Video Editing

My favourite hobby of all time is video editing :) i've actually been doing it since i was around 7 years old on Windows Movie Maker, i then upgraded to iMovie (which let's be real ain't as easy as it seems cause it's very fiddly haha) & now Adobe Premiere Pro cc, my favourite so far. I even have a youtube channel and it's grown a lot over 9 months, i created it on January 18 and it now has 40K subscribers! wowowowow. I edit content to do with KPOP like my favourite singers and sometimes others too :) sometimes making thumbnails for YouTube is hard because sometimes they don't match up and work together so it looks messy (i'm currently under the situation where i'm trying to edit all my thumbnails to look the same, it's hard work hehe)

Check out my channel here :)

Photography/Photo Editing

I really like doing photography and photo editing because it is really interesting and fun because you can be really creative with it and photograph or edit anything :) i most like editing photos but taking the photos is fun too, although it's very hard for me to get inspired on what to create (oops)